Sunday 14 April 2013

Why I'm going sugar free

As a lot of you may have read on the internet, seen on videos and through media, sugar is commonly getting called names like 'poison', the 'killer food' or 'toxic' because of modern day research that has taken place.

Being interested in nutrition I have been watching video after video and reading numerous articles on different opinions about sugar.

Personally I believe that sugar is a huge contributor to modern day diseases and deaths.
I also do believe that other factors such as saturated fat, exercise and people not eating in moderation is contributing to this world wide health epidemic.

  So where to now? Do we cut out fat AND sugar from our diets?

What do you think?

I believe that sugar is becoming a modern day drug and people are abusing it which is causing them to get very sick. Also I believe it can be addicting. Constantly I am reading stories about people who eat countless amounts of chocolate blocks a day, and liters of soda drinks a week. To me THIS has to be an addiction.

For me I am taking action for myself and cutting sugar from my diet for 8 weeks.

I have been reading Sarah Wilsons book "I quit sugar" It is amazing! And very inspiring.

I will be posting my daily meals and blog on how I am feeling.

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