The other day I stumbled across a lovely blog that had told me I had been passed on the Liebster Award!
Paige from passed this award onto me. So thanks so much Page!
Everyone should go check out her lifestyle blog with everything from food to travel!
The Liebster award is passed on from blogger to blogger with under 200 followers. Its such a cool idea to get to know and support your fellow bloggers :)

The Rules:
-Provide a link back to the blogger who nominated you
-Post 11 random facts about you
-Answer 11 random questions set by the blogger who nominated you
-Nominate 5 bloggers with under 200 followers for the award
-Write 11 questions for them to answer
-Let the nominees know that you have nominate them
11 Random facts about me!
1. My favourite television programe is Home and Away. It is an Australian soap opera. I usually have to record it though cause most of the time I'm working when it is on
2.I'm scared of the dark
3. I have two cats called Minnie and Little-Puss
4.Born and Live In New Zealand
6. I just got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out yesterday
7. I did the sport of rowing for 10 years (4 years were coxing)
8.I had a surgery called a Nissan Fundoplication for reflux when I was 19
9. I went to teachers college for a year
10. I can't vomit because of my surgery and neither can my boyfriend cause he had the same thing done when he was a baby.
11.I have an older brother who is getting married next year and I am going to be a bridesmaid!
Questions from Paige!
1. You next dream travel destination is:
America, Europe, Great Britain
2. This summer I want to:
Summer isn't until December in NZ but I would love to travel and jump in lakes :)
3. Favourite stores/websites to shop at:
4. If I were to be stranded on a desert island the 3 things I would bring would be:
food, water, boyfriend
5. Who is your current favourite blogger?
I have so many I love to follow. But one of my biggest inspirations is Anna Saccone-Joly. She has an amazing style and has taught me so much about beauty and makeup!
6. I am known by my friends for.
Drinking smoothies and eating nuts
7. Favourite restaurant:
hmm I don't think I have one particular but anything with a good theme with a bit of privacy and food that is organic and free-range. :)
8. The item in my closet I wear the most is:
Cardigans/knitwear! But in the summer it would have to be my denim shorts
9. I cant live without my:
Family and friends
10. Cat or dog:
Both? I have ALWAYS loved cats but I would love to get a wee puppy one day :)
11. Favourite food
Quiche or some kind of tart. I love these when they are packed with ingredients. yum yum! But if its sweet, I'm guilty when it comes to any dessert with either lemons or hazelnuts!
The Lovely bloggers I would like to pass the award on to are:
Questions for my award recipients
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. What is your Dream Job?
3. Who is your role model?
4.If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
5. If you won 1million dollars what would you do with it?
6.Favourite Animal
7. Favourite Accessory
8.Favourite Musician/ band
9. chocolate or vanilla?
10. Favourite meal to cook
11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Hey Brittany! I am so excited and honored that you nominated me! I read your blog all the time:)
ReplyDeleteAnd WOW we have so much in common- The SacconeJolys are my fave too and Anna is my favorite blogger!
Hey Grace! Aw Thanks for reading my blog :)
ReplyDeleteHaha that's so cool that you watch them too! I love that family! :D :D
Loved the post Brit! And so happy to pass it on to you!
Aw thanks again Paige!! xx