About Me

When did I get interested in food?

When I was 18 years old I was a competitive lightweight rower. Being in the lightweight category meant that I had to monitor my food intake but at the same time I had to make sure that I was getting enough energy, vitamins and minerals for me to perform at my maximum.  This was not just for competitions but for everyday training.
 It was hard work, especially since I was always a person who ate whatever and whenever I wanted!

At the same time I learnt how important different vitamins and minerals effected my performance and just my day to day living.
I am a believer of trying to get as much goodness out of the food I eat as much as I can.

When I was 19 years old I had a bit of a set back in life. I had to have a nissen fundoplication surgery. This was to stop a bad reflux (heartburn, acid indigestion) problem in my stomach.

I have learnt how to cook, present and make your own food from scratch, rather than pre-made  packaged and processed foods.
I do not have any nutrition degrees but it is a huge part of my life as I am always keen to improve my nutritional knowledge by reading books, recipes and great blogs and internet sources.


This Blog is my own personal opinions and ideas. I just have a passion for nutrition and food.
I am not a health professional.
I am learning something new everyday! :)

All Pictures and videos are property of Brittany Allan and are not to be used without permission

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